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William Hodgson Marshall Faces More Sex Abuse Charges

Ontario Priest Charged With More Sexual Abuse Crimes

Catholic Priest Rev. William Hodgson Marshall a former Windsor high school principal is facing two criminal charges of indecent assault in Toronto when Marshall was teaching and coaching basketball at St. Michael’s College school in 1953.

More Charges
Today Windsor police announced that Marshall has been charged with six additional charges of indecent or sexual assault for incidents alleged to have occurred in Windsor during the 1950s and ’80s.

Marshall taught at Assumption College school from 1954-56 and Holy Names high school from 1985-89.

Toronto police Const. Tony Vella said there may be more victims in Toronto.

“We believe there will be more charges…We’re urging anyone that may have been victimized by the man to come forward.”

Tip of the Iceberg?
I have been representing survivors of childhood sexual abuse for almost twenty years. I have represented hundreds of victims of priest sexual abuse. In all that time, I have had only ONE case where there was only ONE documented victim.

The sad fact is that the victims that have come forward so far are just the tip of the iceberg. If there is one victim of sexual abuse, there are likely dozens. Sexual abusers cannot be cured. They continue to prey upon their victims until they are caught. Even after receiving “treatment” sexual offenders have a high rate of recidivism (risk of re-offending).

Follow-up studies of sexual offenders typically find sexual recidivism rates of 10%-15% after five years, 20% after 10 years, and 30%-40% after 20 years.

Sexual abuse survivors can help each other by speaking out about their abuse. Silence only protects the abusers and allows them to continue their predations.

Tellthe police. Tell a counsellor. Tell a family member or friend. But tell someone!

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